Headphone listening recommended.

Welltuned City

by Gail Priest

"there are no birds in this singing city ...
the birds can hear, and cannot bear."


Welltuned City comprises fragments of fiction and facts speculating about the sounds of an oasis city in the future.

Welltuned City employs a cross-modal format with the fiction presented as an audiovisual piece and the non-fiction shards as interlinked texts accompanied by soundtracks — music to read by. It is suggested you start with the video above.

Welltuned City forms one cluster of ideas from the larger body of work, Sounding the Future, which attempts to preference the aural over the visual when speculating about the future. In particular it asks, “What will art in the future sound like?” Sounding the Future has been presented as an interactive installation, with upcoming manifestations as a radiophonic work and online/e-publication.


Welltuned City is a web-adaption of one narrative stream from the larger interactive installation Sounding the Future. © Gail Priest 2014-16