Supplied by artist
• Wireless headphones
• Webcam (for video tracking of trackpad)
• Swivel stool & trackpad [freighting or excess luggage required]
• Interactive program built using Processing & XML, with content consisting of mp4 video files.
Requested from Host
• A darkened space, minimum 6m x 4.5m with enough height to facilitate a floor projection of 5.3m wide x 3m depth.
• Manufacture/supply of an 18mm ply wood circular base (830mm diametre) for stool attachement. (see tech drawing). [It is more economical to request at venue rather than ship this.]
• Computer Mac Pro or Macbook Pro with dedicated video card 1Gg video ram
• Video Projector - the floor projection needs to be minimum 5.3m wide x 3m deep, rigged directly overhead to avoid shadow. This has been achieved in the past with a Canon WUX400ST and mirror system.
A space configuration diagram can be accessed here: